
Razorsharp Fibreglass Handle 0.6Kg Cutting Axe ECLIPSE

Manufacturer: NEIL - ECLIPSE TOOLS
SKU: 7706FG
124 ₪
112 ₪
For club members:
104 ₪
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Our Fibreglass Handle Cutting Axes come in a range of sizes, please see below. Our Razorsharp range includes a variety of axes, log splitting mauls, wood splitters and scythetes.ECLIPSE
Our Fibreglass Handle Cutting Axes come in a range of sizes, please see below. Our Razorsharp range includes a variety of axes, log splitting mauls, wood splitters and scythetes.ECLIPSE
Products specifications
Handle Type פיבר/אוקולון
Single / Set יחיד
Weight 600 גרם
Head Shape גרזן
spec39 פטישים וגרזנים